Friday, March 26, 2010

The Ups and Downs of Real Estate in the Past 4 Years.

The Economy And How Much It Has Recovered or Hasn’t!

I have been searching for a good reason to get back into Real Estate.

I have been a Real Estate Agent at least three different times in my life. The first time I got into it was about 35 years ago. I must say the same thing happened then as it is happening now, but not on such a great nation wide scale. The banks didn’t crash but the real estate market did. This time it was worse and I don’t think that the economy will ever recover. Not like it was.

The banks will not have the opportunity to put out the kind of loans that they were, say 5 years age. I do want to state that the banks were giving us mortgage agents only a few kinds of loan packages that they would loan on. And as you know this was one of the biggest mistakes that the banking system has every made.

(A lot of the loan agents got blamed for this fiasco and we could only sell what the banks produced. We could not put together a loan package that they would accept. They would only accept the types of loans that they came out with)

The Banks thought that when they put that Buyer into that loan that they would have to refinance in just 2 or 3 years and the last was a 5 year.

They figured that when that loan came due to go adjustable they (the bank) would get the revenue from all those refinances. In most cases the interest went up so high that the people could not afford their payments. In most cases the payment tripled. They expected all of the Buyers to be able to refinance. When the time came they could not refinance the loan because their credit had bottomed out or they had lost their job, or , or, or.

The situation was that they (the Home Owner) did not have the income and or assets that they had put on their original application. They were just stating what they made and not made to prove it. Then when it came time to refinance they could not prove their income and could not get approved for a new loan.

All of you Brokers should know all of this and I don’t have to tell you the fine details. I just need to give you an over view and a reminder what has happened to our market. We now have to go the extra Mile to sell that property. And in most cases before it goes to foreclosure.

Short Sales

We have tried to help those that have fallen in that foreclosure mode. It is tuff to get out of that downward spirol. But there is a way to sell that house before it gets to that point. I am speaking of Short Selling the home.

This is the most tedious way to sell a home. You must get permission from the bank before you can even start to look at a short sale. You must next find a buyer that has good credit and enough down money to get the property under contract. The banks don’t want to give up that extra money that has build up on the mortgage.

You see if you were in one of those loans that you could pay three different payments amounts and still stay good with the mortgage company. But if you chose to pay the least amount you could pay, the bank put the rest of your payment on the mortgage. And in just a couple of months your loan amount would gain a good 6 to 8 thousand dollars. Now the owner is desperate to get the house sold. And if you have done short sales you know that it takes forever to get a shot sale done and closed. So, the owner has few options.

They can put it up for the short sale or they could check out another way to sell that house. I have been told that it only takes 26 day to sell a house this way. More about this latter.

Selling For the Banks

If you want to sell the houses that the bank has taken back for lack of payments then this is the software for you. This will teach you how to approach the banks and get their listing for BPO’s and REO’s. This kit will teach you who to call and what department to get to for consideration to be a selling agent for the banks. It is simple and easy to read and you can get the ball rolling in just days of receiving your kit. They will help you in every way to get you up and running with the banks.

If you have not done any short selling this kit will give you step by step instructions how to get the bank to accept a short sale to getting the buyers for that property. Small secret about short sales. Usually the banks will not accept a short sale unless you have a ready willing and able buyer. This kit will show you how to get around that problem and get that deal closed. For more info click on the link below and see what I mean.

Selling at Auction

This is for the Realtor that has a property that just won’t Sell

This is a real company. They will partner with you to come in and do all the advertising, a lead generation to get qualified buyers to the auction and get that property sold in 26 days. It does not have to be a Junker property. It can be a high price tag property as well.

The type of property does not matter, you just have to have permission from the seller to sell at Fair Market Value or Better!

This is also for the home owner that has just gone into foreclosure and wants to sell very quickly to get out of a bad deal with out a foreclosure on their credit.

In other words the property can be listed with a Broker or the Home Owner can contact us and we will list and sell at auction in 26 days.

This is not bank auctions! This is not the national auctions that you see advertised on TV selling 100 different properties at the same auction. This is not one of those big auctions that sell the property for way under what the property is worth. This is an auction that is put on just for one certain property. They don’t try to sell a couple hundred properties at the same auction. This auction is geared specifically to that  property and the owner. This is worked out with the owner and the fair market value of that property.

The Auction Company turns the property and auction site in to a Party it is some times even catered, depending on the Owner.   They are helping people sell that property that is starting into foreclosure. In most cases the property will sell in as little as 26 days. If you need more info on this service please feel free to call me at 707-265-6451. As you can tell I live in northern California. So do not hesitate to call if you have a property that you desperately need to sell. Or even just want to sell fast.

I can be reached at Pacific Time from 10am to 4pm, Monday Thru Friday.

So happy house selling. I do hope that I have helped you in some way with this Blog. I would also appreciate it if you would tell me if you like what I am doing.
